Overview - which tool should I use? (BIE)

It is important to understand what each tool in our Bulk Image Edit app does so that you can decide on the best way to edit your images and achieve your goals.

Alt-Text: This tool allows you to easily edit the alt-text associated with your website's images using an assortment of template options. Creating quality Alt Text helps improve your rankings in Google Image Search, and also improves the user experience across your store for visually impaired users.

If you need a more in-depth guide about this, you can go Here

File Rename: This tool allows you to easily edit the file names of your website's images using an assortment of template options. Creating good file names helps improve your rankings in Google Image Search.

For more information regarding this, you can go Here

Minimize: This tool helps improve your website's loading time and your SEO by compressing your JPG and PNG images. You can use a lossless compression for no visible loss of image quality, or you could do a lossy compression to reduce the file size more aggressively.

More on that Here

PNG to JPG: This tool easily converts images from PNG format to JPG format. This conversion substantially reduces file sizes in the majority of cases. Smaller images means faster loading speed, better user experience and improved SEO.

Square: This tool allows you to ensure that all of your images have a perfect 1:1 width/height ratio. It does this by adding white bars to expand the image's height or width until it becomes a perfect square. This is especially useful when your product thumbnails and titles are not properly aligning due to different image aspect ratios.

A straight forward guide can be viewed Here

Frame: The Frame tool allows you to evenly add borders to your images. This is generally used to increase the margin of images, but it can also be used to add a thin box around the images.

More on that Here

Trim: Our algorithm uses the top left corner pixel's color as the image background color and will trim off the excess margin with this color. This is also used before doing a canvas resize by ratio to ensure margins are as small as possible.

If you'd like to learn more about this, you can go Here

Watermark: This tool helps you easily add text or image based watermarks to your images. Create highly customizable and discrete watermarks to discourage image theft on your website.

You can view more about Watermark Here

Crop: This tool allows you to remove (crop) a part of the image easily. This is great for removing unnecessary parts of the images.

A short guide can be found Here

Resize: This tool will help you resize any of your image(s) either by making them bigger or smaller. Very useful for increasing their size to make it more visible. Also very useful for making it smaller so that it won't take too much space.

A Detailed guide with a video can be found Here

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