File Name (BIE)

Why should I care about image file names?

Creating good file names helps improve your rankings in Google Image Search. For more information, we suggest the following articles:

How do I edit image file names?

You can edit your image file names by following these steps:

Open our Bulk Image Edit app

Click on File Rename from the app's dashboard or on File Name from the app's menu.

Step 1: Click on Product Images (if you want to edit your collection cover images or blog article images, click on that option instead).

Step 2: Create your filter conditions.  In this step, you will be creating filters to tell the app which images to target.  For example, if you have a collection called New Collection and you want to edit every image in this collection, you would create this filter.

Click on Preview matched products to view which products have been selected.

Step 4: This step is optional.  You can create additional condition filters if necessary.

Step 5: Select update image file name.

Select a template to edit your image file names.  There are various options, including a custom template.  If you'd like to have your product title, product type & store name in your image file names, you would use this custom template.


You can follow the video below for a step-by-step guide on how to do this.

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