How do I use the individual selection feature for Alt Text?
You can enable our individual selection feature by following these steps:
Step 1: Filter the images you want to edit the alt text for and click "Preview matched images"
Step 2: A new button will appear after previewing your matched images. Please click this button in order to toggle our selection mode.
Step 3: Once selection mode is toggled on, you will see a new button appear in the preview. This button will allow you to select individual images to be edited.
Step 4: Once you have selected your images, you will see them in the section below. The old alt text will be pre populated in the text box, which allows you to quickly make small edits as needed. To remove individual images from the selection, please click the "Remove" button on the image you do not want edited.
Step 5: Once you have made the necessary changes, please click the "Start Bulk Editing" button to begin the task. Once the task finishes, the new alt text will appear on your images.
Please note that the maximum number of image alt text that can be edited using the individual selection feature is 20.