Getting Started With Bulk Image Edit (BIE)

Welcome to Bulk Image Edit!

Bulk Image Edit allows you to quickly and efficiently upload, download and edit your product images. You can also edit the file name and alt text.

Bulk Editing Basics

Please do note that the free demo of our app has limitations as well as 50 monthly edit restriction.

1. Select what you'd like to do with your image.

2. Set up the product filter

The first step to setting up a bulk image edit is to choose which type of images you'd like to edit and set up the conditions for the products. This allows you to narrow down the products that you would like our app to edit.

Optional Step: Set up the variant filters

If you would like to filter the images, you can set it up on this step. There are a lot of options to choose from so feel free to choose any of these selections to narrow down the images that you'd like to edit. If you are looking to edit all of the images, you can skip this step.

3. Choose how to edit the images.

The next step would be to choose how you want to edit the products. The options available will change depending on the field that you selected in Step 1. For example, in the GIF below, I am setting up a task to edit images into a 1:1 ratio.

4. Click "Start Bulk Edit Now"

Afterwards, your task will be queued on our servers and run in a few minutes. After the task is finished, you will then be able to see the changes on your Shopify Admin.

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